Remember The Sabbath
To Keep It Holy!
Who Changed The Sabbath
From Saturday to Sunday?
Should Christian "Believers" Observe The Sabbath Day?
All believers (Christians) are to remember the Sabbath Day (honor it). WHY? Because as a believer (Christian), you have received the "engagement of salvation" when you said "Yes" to accept Christ into your life. Why "forget" what Yeshua (Jesus) said to remember?
All believers (Christians) are to remember the Sabbath day (honor it) to keep it holy, simply because it is part of creation and "all believers" should honor our Holy Savior's Day of rest from creating everything (including mankind). The Sabbath Day cannot be pulled up.
All believers (Christians) are to remember the Sabbath day (honor it). The Sabbath Day is the 7th Day of the week (Saturday) and cannot be "pulled up." It is honored in Heaven and must be "honored upon the earth." Sadly, the adversary has made it "the busiest day" of the week.
All believers (Christians) are to remember the Sabbath Day (honor it), because it is the 4th commandment. If we say we are keeping the commandments of God, then "WHY" break the "4th commandment?"
All believers (Christians) are to remember the Sabbath Day (honor it), because the Sabbath is a festival of God recorded in Leviticus 23:1-3). The word "feast" found in Leviticus 23:2, is the Hebrew word "Mo'ed." And Mo'ed means, "An appointment, a fixed time or season, a set time, an appointed time, or an exact time."
All believers (Christians) are to remember the Sabbath Day (honor it), because it is a picture given to us by Yahweh God which is "a shadow of things to come," recorded in Colossians 2:16-17.
All believers (Christians) are to remember the Sabbath Day (honor it), because the Sabbath is "a picture of a future time."
The Sabbath is a picture of the 1,000-year millennium whereby man as well as the earth "labors" for six days (6,000 years) but the last day, the 7th day, which lasts for 1,000 years, will be a time of rest for both man and the earth.
All believers (Christians) are to remember the Sabbath Day (honor it), because it is an eternal covenant between God and His people to be kept "forever" recorded in Exodus 31:16-17.
All believers (Christians) are to remember the Sabbath Day (honor it), because it is the 7th day (Genesis 2:1-3) and this will correspond to the 7th day, the last 1,000 years of time.
All believers (Christians) are to remember the Sabbath Day (honor it). The Sabbath is a foreshadow of the world to come, known in Hebrew as the "Olam Haba" which means the world to come (Hebrews 6:5).
The Sabbath is a prophetic picture, an eternal covenant between Yahweh God and His people "to be kept" FOREVER (Exodus 31:16-17).
All believers (Christians) are to remember the Sabbath Day (honor it). The Sabbath (Shabbat) is the day of the Lord (Isaiah 58:13-14). The Sabbath (Shabbat) is likened to an elect bride (believer) whose bridegroom is the God of Israel and the Hebrew-Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua (Jesus). It's a spiritual blueprint of the Messianic Age (Athid Lavo) and the world to come (Olam Haba/eternity). The Sabbath (Shabbat) is to be kept during the time of the new heavens and the new earth and for all eternity, recorded in Isaiah 66:22-23; also recorded in Revelation 21:1-3. In Exodus 31:13-17, it's a "sign" of the eternal and perpetual covenant.