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International Partners 

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We Love You With Yeshua's Holy Love!

  • Africa

  • Australia

  • China

  • India

  • Kisii, Kenya

  • Pakistan

  • South India


We thank all the International Partners in Africa, Australia, 

China, India, Kenya, Pakistan, and South India for reaching out to us to

become a "Kingdom Partner with Welcome Holy Spirit International Ministry  

Yeshua (Jesus), Our Holy Savior, has already prayed to the Father In Heaven on our behalf.  

John 17:21 (NKJV), "That they (all believers) may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me." 


Let us join hands together during these end times.  It is important to "follow" the customs and practices that Yeshua (Jesus) kept while He was upon the earth.   It is not about us, nor our ministries, nor how much of His "money" we can raise.  We are to stay reminded that it is "His Business," His Kingdom, that comes first (it's not our Kingdom).  


We, as believers in Christ Yeshua, are commanded to "remember His Torah (His laws and instructions)," and keep His Sabbath and His Feast Days.  Sadly, the one commandment that most of His body of believers "DO NOT KEEP," is His "fourth commandment (THE SABBATH)."  Nothing has been abolished.  Yeshua tells us in His Holy Word that everything spoken by the prophets He came to "fulfill" (Matthew 5:7-20).

For All International Partners Who Are Led By The Spirit of God To Be In Partnership With Us, 

Please Fill Out the Form Below!  

Yes, I Would Like To Partner
With Welcome Holy Spirit International Ministry 

Thanks for "Partnering With Us." Don't forget to sign up for our prophecy updates to stay "alert" during these "End Times."

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