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We are connected to the True Vine (Israel)

John  - Chapter 15

Welcome Holy Spirit International Ministry (WHSIM) was founded in 2006, as an outreach locally, nationally, and internationally for every race, creed and color for lifestyle change.  Apostle Sheldon and Prophet Sharone are from Atlanta, Georgia. Their outreach ministry is "without walls" mandated by Elohim (God) to sound the alarm.  Both are prophetic teachers and counselors who teach line upon line to understand the bible from a Hebraic perspective. They both know their commission is all about who Yeshua is more than who they are.  From 2006-2017, they have reached out into the community locally to the impoverished with in-kind services of food, clothing, shoes, and other necessities.  From 2017-2018, they lived in both Jordan and Israel among friends searching out the land of Jordan and Israel to learn more about the culture, mannerisms, and the practices of who our Holy Savior, Yeshua, was and still is. Many continue to call Him by the name, "Jesus."  It has been revealed to both of them that man renamed Him. The name, ""Jesus," is an English name and was NEVER authorized by heaven nor by the Father in heaven to give His Son an English name, who was born in the Middle East. 


After they both lived in the Middle East (Jordan and Israel) for one year, they resumed their teaching, training, and counseling in Atlanta, Georgia. In 2019, they embraced Pastor Orlan Ontiri from Kisii, Kenya, who we started mentoring through the Holy Word of Elohim (God). Since 2022, Pastor Orlan Ontiri has been appointed as Welcome Holy Spirit International Missions Pastor.  WHSI Ministry now has 30 Orphans who have been spiritually adopted living in Kisii, Kenya under the leadership and guidance of Pastor Orlan Ontiri, who provides them with spiritual guidance and educational training. The ultimate goal for WHSI Outreach is to make sure the Orphans are provided with clean water and healthy food.  Their teachings are not subject to the traditions of men.  Their prayer and cry is for all believers to come "into the oneness" that Yeshua, who men have renamed Jesus, has prayed about as recorded in John 17.  The foundation of WHSI Ministry stands strong by the dunamis power of the cross and by the strength of His Holy Blood that was shed upon this earth.


Yeshua declared in John 14:15,

"If you love Me, keep My Commandments."

Matthew 5:17 declares

"Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets.

I did not come to destroy but to fulfill." 

As believers in Christ Yeshua, we MUST keep His Commandments if we say we love Christ Yeshua.  In no way has Yeshua abolished Yahweh's Laws.  We must abide by the "Law of the Kingdom of Elohim (God)," the same as we must abide by the "Law of this land we live in."


We find in Proverbs 6:23 which reads, "For the commandment is a lamp, and the Law a light; reproofs of instruction are the way of life."


NOTE:  It is important to keep the LAW of Elohim "LIT" in our HEARTS in order that our LAMPS will NOT GO OUT.  In this way, Yeshua can recognize Himself  "in us."  By keeping His Commandments and His Law lit in our hearts -- Yeshua can recognize us.  Sadly, the foolish were NOT recognized by Yeshua because they did not keep their lamps lit by His Law (Torah).  In the same way, we are to keep Yeshua's commandments, because we love Him (John 14:15).

We Believe

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 Married May 23, 2014

When two become one, and both their lives are complete in Elohim (God), is when both can “Make A Difference;” not only in their lives; however, in the lives of others as well.



A Kingdom marriage is a covenant mandated by the

Holy Right Hand of Elohim (God) whereby

the two are giving back to each other with the love,

honor and faithfulness that Christ Yeshua gives to us daily.

A Kingdom marriage is shaped by the Holy Right Hand 

of Elohim (God) that the two should never take for granted. 

A Kingdom marriage is a sacred vow between a man 

and a woman (male and female). 

Proverbs 12:4

"A virtuous (capable) woman is a crown

to her husband: but she that makes ashamed

is as rot in his bones."


Marriage was the first institution

created in the Garden of Eden for "male and female."

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