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Welcome Holy Spirit International Missions Ministry
In Kisii, Kenya (Kenyenya)

™ Copyright WHSI Ministry

We are Apostle Sheldon and Prophet Sharone of Welcome Holy Spirit International Ministry.  My wife and I have been called to fulfill a mandate given to us to help those needing food and clean water. We have been called by Elohim (God) to "BUILD A WELL" for our 30 Orphans who are under the leadership of Pastor Orland Ontiri in Kisii, Kenya.  Welcome Holy Spirit International Ministry was founded in 2006.  Our mandate is also to prepare the Bride of Christ for His return for a transformed lifestyle.  From 2006-2017, we fed locally over 100 impoverished men, women, and children with in-kind services until community funds ran out.  


We are not of any denomination, race, creed, or color (we are NOT Hebrew Israelites). We are all one in Christ Yeshua, and compassionate about reaching the community with God's love.  Yeshua (Jesus) has already prayed (John 17) thousands of years ago BEFORE Yeshua went to the cross that ALL BELIEVERS be "made one" in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 


Pastor Orlan is our appointed missions pastor, with the help of others, we can supply aid nationally, locally and internationally.  Pastor Orlan has received a "Certificate of Registration" for a Self-Help Group/Project of ministry to train, educate, counsel, and teach the Orphans for a transformed lifestyle to know more about our Holy Savior, Yeshua.


We are continuing to seek help to aide and in-kind services for our 30 Orphans who are needing food, clothing, and shelter. Your generous donations will help us continue to supply them with healthy food and water in Kisii, Kenya. Drinking pure water is essential to life.  Water assists in many vital functions our bodies perform daily. We all need clean water to flow through our organs and cells every day.  All funds that are donated to help us help others will be used for the purpose intended.  Help us eradicate this epidemic and prevent diseases from occurring in their village. Thank you for caring about others, your help is greatly appreciated.


To Help Us With The ORPHANS

Kisii, Kenya (Kenyenya) 

See Below To Give!!

Pastor Orlan Moanga Ontiri

Our Adopted Orphans

In Kisii Kenya

We Love Making

A Difference!

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COMMUNITY FEEDING - Kevin With Food Cart
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